


varargout = fn_4Dview(action,actionArgs)


displays spatial or temporal slices of multi-dimensional data
by default: data is considered to be 3D, 4D or 5D (dimensions ordered as
x-y-z-t-m) and is displayed as 3 spatial sections at a given time point
use option flags for other display types
type 'fn_4Dview demo' to see a demo
- option..        string - specify an option (see below)
- optionArgs..    argument of option
- action..        specific usage of fn_4Dview, does not create a new
                  interface (see below)
- 'data',data     array, by default, dimensions should be x - y - z - t - m
                  (m is used for multiple data or channels)
                  [the 'data' flag can be omitted]
                  [default: data=0 or zeros(appropriate size)]
- 'options',{options}     some display types allow additional options like
                  'xxxplot' -> same option possibilities as the Matlab plot function,
                  [the 'options' flag can be omitted] [default: {}]
- '3d'            data is three-dimensional (dimensions are x - y - z - t - m)
                  and will be spatially displayed as three cross
                  sections, for a given time point
- '3dplot'        data is three-dimensional (dimensions are x - y - z - t - m)
                  and will be temporally displayed as a time course, for
                  a given space point
- '2d'            data is two-dimensional (dimensions are x - y - t - m)
                  and will be spatially displayed as a single image
- '2dplot'        data is two-dimensional (dimensions are x - y - t - m)
                  and will be displayed temporally
- '0d',tidx       [deprecated]
- 'quiver'        data is a 2D vector field, plus possibly 2D image
                  (dimensions are x - y - t - [2 vector components +
                  image component])
                  this is only applicable for spatial display
- 'mesh',mesh     data is one-dimensional (dimensions are i - t - m),
                  where i refers to the ith vertex of a 3D mesh specified
                  as a cell array or struct following the 'mesh' flag
                  {[3 x nv vertices],[3 x nt triangles]},
                  and will be spatially displayed as a surface
- 'meshplot',mesh data is one-dimensional (dimensions are i - t - m) as
                  for 'mesh', and will be displayed temporally
- 'ind',indices   data is one-dimensional (dimensions are i - t - m),
                  indices is a 2D or 3D image which entails indices of
                  the first data component (see example)
                  this is only applicable for temporal display
- 'timeslider',tidx
                  creates a slider control to move in time array tidx
- 'ext',{@updatefcn,par1,par2,...}
                  fn_4Dview does not display anything, but it links the
                  execution of function updatefcn to other objects
                  handled by fn_4Dview. The function prototype should be:
                      updatefcn = function(info,par1,par2,...)
                  with info being the structure described in fn_4Dview code.
                  Alternatively, one can use a string command; each time
                  before the command is executed, info is stored in the
                  base workspace with the name 'infoname', so that the
                  command can access to the informations it encloses.
                  Attention, the information concerning these updates
                  needs to be stored in a graphical object; if none is
                  specified (using 'in'), one is automatically created,
                  but one should delete it later on using 'fn_4Dview
                  unregister' (see below)
- 'active'        allows callbacks (e.g. selecting point with mouse) [default]
- 'passive'       disallows callbacks
- 'key',k         use this to have independent links between windows
                  [default: all windows are linked using same key k=1]
- 'mat',M         defines a spatial linear transformation between
                  data and world coordinates [default = eye(4)] (pixel
                  indices start at 1)
                  can be a 4x4 or 3x4 matrix (rotation+translation) or
                  3x3 matrix (rotation only) or 3x1 vector (translation
                  only) or 1x3,1x2,1x1 vector (special: scaling, first
                  pixel at [0 0 0])
- 'tidx',[t0 dt]  time of first frame and interval between successive
                  frames [default: t0-=1, dt=1]
- 'tidx',tidx     alternatively, one can define every sampling points
                  time coordinates (tidx should not have 2 elements);
                  it is necessary that they are equally spaced then
- 'heeginv',H     provides a matrix to multiply data with before using it
                  this is only applicable for spatial mesh display
- 'applyfun',fun  function handler or {function handler, additional arguments, ...}
                  data will be transformed according to fun before every
                  display - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
- 'in',handle     forces display in figure, axes or uicontrol specified by handle
                  [the 'in' flag can be ommited]
                  [default: in active figure or axes]
- 'channel',f       if data has a 'multiple data' component (dimension m is
                  non-singleton), specifies which one to use for spatial
                  display [default: f=1]
- 'clip',[m M]    specify a clipping for image display
- 'xyzperm',[a b c] defines a permutation of the dimensions before
                  visualizing the 3 cross-sections of the data
- 'zfact',r       ratio between z and xy resolutions for 3D display
- 'labels',{xlabel,ylabel,zlabel} axis labels (ylabel and zlabel can be omitted)
- 'demo'                  run the demo
- 'changexyz',key,xyz     update space coordinates for objects linked by the key
- 'changet',key,t         update time coordinate for objects linked by the key
- 'unregister'[,@updatefcn][,key]
                          unregister external functions which were
                          previously registered (type 'ext') by deleting
                          the associated objects;
                          this unregistration can be filtered by which
                          function handles and/or which linking key
How to use the mouse to select points and draw selections:
- point with left button          -> change cursor
- area with left button           -> zoom to region
- double-click with left button   -> zoom reset
  (or point with middle button outside of axis)
- point/area with middle button   -> add point/area to current selection
- double-click with middle button -> cancel current selection
  (or point with middle button outside of axis)
- point/area with right button    -> add new selection
- double-click with right button  -> cancel all selections
  (or point with right button outside of axis)


Thomas Deneux

Copyright 2004-2017

last modification: September 20th, 2007