[p beta beta0] = fn_GLMtest(X,y,h,'F') [p beta betaproj] = fn_GLMtest(X,y,h,'T')
Input: - X regressors - nobs x nreg, or (nobs*nrep) x nreg array if empty, the nobs x nobs identity matrix is used - y measure - nobs x nrep array, or (nobs*nrep) vector 3D nobs x nrep x ntest array can be used as well and will result in p to be a (ntest) vector and beta to be a ntest x nreg array - h dimensions of the model that are tested [default = (1:nreg)] or, in the case of a T-test, projection to be tested (a vector of length nreg) - 'F' or 'T' indicate whether to perform a F-test [default] or a T-test if a T-test, h must be scalar; use negative value for testing a <0 instead of >0
Thomas Deneux
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