[y weight] = fn_affinity(x,M[,'linear|cubic'][,datatype])
Perform affine transformation on an image.
Input: - x 2D or 3D array - shift 2-element vector or 2-by-N array (N being the number of frames) - method 'linear' or 'cubic' [default] - datatype data type to save output, typically 'double' or 'single', default is same as data
Output: - y the translated image or movie (points where data is not defined have a NaN value) - weight image the same size of x with values btw 0 and 1: weighting system for getting values of y as a continuous-derivative function of shift, even at integer values of shift use also logical(weight) to get the pixels whose values are defined in y - J derivative of y with respect to shift (points where it is not defined also have a NaN value) - dweight derivative of weight with respect to shift
See also fn_register, fn_translate
Thomas Deneux
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