[[s grid] =] fn_alignimage(a,b[,shift[,'nouser']]['slider|edit'])
display a superposition of gray-level images a and b, and allow to move image b (includes translation, rotation and rescaling)
Input: - a reference image - b images for which the transformation with respect to a should be estimated - shift initialization of the translation part of the transformation [default=[0 0]] - 'nouser' only show the superposition, and return without showing controls that allow user to change the parameters of the transformation - 'slider|edit' specify the type of controls to use: 'slider' [default] is faster and smoother to use compared to 'edit', but less precise
Output: - s structure with translation, rotation and rescaling parameters note that rotation and rescaling are to be performed centered on the center of the image - grid interpolation grid: to realign b onto a use the command breg = interpn(b,gridb(:,:,1),gridb(:,:,2),'linear',0);
Example: load trees, Y = interp2(1:350,(1:258)',X,-4.3:344.7,(13:270)'); shift=fn_alignimage(X,Y)
Thomas Deneux
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