[img =] fn_cubeview(data[,d[,r]])
creates an image of the 3-dimensional data where we see 3 faces of a cube with xy, yz and xz sides
if no output is requested, displays the image in a figure and add edges
faces display: ______ _ z / Ypane/| /| /______/Xpane / | | | ---> x |front | / | |______|/ v y
Input: - data 3D array - d size of the side trapezes (the yz and xz faces); if d>1, size is in pixels, if d<1, it defines the ratio between the side trapezes sizes and the xy size; if it is a scalar, it defines the x size, and the y size is chosen so as to put perspective with and angle of 35~40 degrees, if it has 2 elements, it defines the x and y sizes - r ratio for perspective projection (0<r<=1, r=1 is orthogonal projection)
Output - img an image showing the cube, with a white background
Thomas Deneux
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