y = fn_filt(x,tau[,'l|h|b|n'][,dim][,filtertype][,'mirror']['mask'[,mask]][,'zero'][,'detrend']['complex|phase']) y = fn_filt(x,tau[,options][,dim]) y = fn_filt(x,'detrend|detrendz'[,dim])
FFT-based filter
Input: - x ND array - data - tau scalar or 2-elements vector or 2-element cell array - threshold period expressed in number of samples (tau = fsampling/fthresh) A sine wave of frequency fthresh will have its amplitude divided by two after filtering. Low-pass filtering with fn_filt is equivalent to convolution with a Gaussian kernel of standard deviation sqrt(2*log(2))/(2*pi)*tau... If there are 2 elements, they must verify tau(1) < tau(2) - type 'l' for low-pass, 'h' for high-pass, 'b' for band-pass, 'n' for notch if type is not specified, it is gueesed from the format of the 'tau' argument: taul or [taul 0] will result in a low-pass filtering [0 tauh] will result in a high-pass filtering [taul tauh] will result in a band-pass filtering - dim 1, 2, or [1 2] - dimension where to apply the filter ([1 2] results in a 2-dimensional filtering) - filtertype 'gaussian' [default] performs a Gaussian fft filter 'sharp' performs a 0-1 fft filter (warning: this creates oscillations at near-threshold frequencies) 'butterN' Butterworth filter of order N (if N is omitted, default value of N=2 is used) - 'mirror' data will be padded with its mirror reflections before filtering, instead of the default which effectively does wrap around - 'mask|maskin' points that do not have a full neighborhood are adjusted use 'maskin' flag to mask the input that is outside the mask, but not the output (e.g. for a low pass filter, the holes will be filled-in) - 'zero' will preserve the constant even in the case of high-pass and band-pass - 'detrend' removes (if high-pass or band-pass) or keep! (if low-pass or notch) a linear trend; use fn_filt(x,'detrend') to perform only a detrending!, and fn_filt(x,'detrendz') to remove only the trend but not the constant - 'complex' return a complex signal - 'phase' or 'phase01' return the phase of the complex signal; 'phase01' results in values between 0 and 1 instead of between -pi and pi - options a string summarizing all options: for example 'hmz' results in a high-pass filter, using mirror padding, and preserving the constant available shortcuts are: l,h,b,n type (Low,High,Band,Notch) g,s,u filter type (Gaussian,Sharp,bUtter) z zero d detrend m mirror k mask
Output: - y filtered data
Thomas Deneux
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