


lineoptions = fn_linespecs(line options as in plot)
lineoptions = fn_linespecs({line options as in plot})


If necessary, converts the first argument into the accurate set of line
properties {Propertyname1,Value1,...} according to the same syntax as
the plot command.
This can be used to set line properties more easily.
ex: opt=fn_linespecs('r:','linewidth',2);
    line([0 1],[0 1],opt{:})
         b     blue          .     point              -     solid
         g     green         o     circle             :     dotted
         r     red           x     x-mark             -.    dashdot
         c     cyan          +     plus               --    dashed
         m     magenta       *     star             (none)  no line
         y     yellow        s     square
         k     black         d     diamond
         w     white         v     triangle (down)
                             ^     triangle (up)
                             <     triangle (left)
                             >     triangle (right)
                             p     pentagram
                             h     hexagram


Thomas Deneux

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