


hl = fn_spikedisplay(times[,ypos][,spikeheight [spikewidth]][,'numbers'],plot options...)
hl = fn_spikedisplay(times,[ymin; ymax][,spikewidth][,'numbers'],plot options...)


this function display spikes as small bars, it is a simple wrapper of
Matlab line function
- times       vector of time points (or cell array of length n)
- ypos        scalar (or n-elements vector) - vertical position of spikes
- spikeheight scalar - if spikes height is not specified, markers are
              used rather than small vertical bars; if height is set to
              zero, an automatic height is calculated
- spikewidth  scalar - controls the spike width in time units
- 'numbers'   option to print numbers below spikes that are covering each
              other; to know if it is the case, the line width is used,
              multiplied by a factor; the default value of this factor is
              1.3, and can be changed, e.g. by specifying 'numbers1.2'
- plot options...     same options as for line function
- hl      handle of line(s)
See also fn_rasterplot


Thomas Deneux

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