


Interface class provides utilities for designing a graphic interface,
such as allowing the user to resize the graphical elements, loading
and auto-saving program options, etc..
To start a new class, it is recommended to copy and edit file
A simple example usage is also provided in [Brick toolbox dir]/examples/example_interface
- to make a new interface, define a new class having interface as a
- constructor:
    . in the new object constructor, first call the interface
      constructor (X = X@interface(hf,figtitle,defaultoptions)
    . then define the graphic objects that user can resize in the
      'grob' property
    . then call interface_end(X) to auto-position these objects
- methods:
    . if the child class defines menus additional to the one of
      interface, it should do it in a init_menus(X), which starts by
      calling init_menus@interface(X); menu handles can be stored in
      the structure X.menus
    . interface overwrites the default set method in order to easily
      provide the user with a description of the value to enter; for
      such to happen, the child class should have a method x =
      setinfo(X) that returns a stucture with field names and
      description values (which can be a string or a cell with
      possible values)


Thomas Deneux

Copyright 2007-2017