Functions by Categories
Brick Toolbox, Version 2.0 06-Jan-2017
manipulate dimensions and shape
column, row, third, fourth | Reshape ND array to column vector, row vector, or vector in the 3rd or 4th dimension |
matrix, threed | Reshape ND array to 2D or 3D array |
fn_reshapepermute | Full capability for dimensions and shape manipulation |
fn_add, fn_mult, fn_subtract, fn_div, fn_eq | Operations between arrays whose dimensions only partially match |
fn_indices | Convert between global and per-dimension indices |
fn_interleave | Interleave data |
fn_sizecompare | Check whether two size vectors are equivalent |
apply function to elements of array or cell array
fn_map | Apply a given function to the elements, columns or rows of an array (more versatile than Matlab arrayfun) |
fn_find | Look for non-empty elements, or which evaluate to true when applying a certain function |
fn_isemptyc | Which elements of a cell array are empty |
fn_itemlengths | Return lengths of all elements inside a cell array |
simple processing
min, max, mean,...
fn_min, fn_max | Global minimum or maximum of an array and its coordinates |
fn_minmax | Basic min/max operations (e.g. intersection or union of 2 ranges) |
fn_localmax | Find local maxima in a vector |
fn_mean, fn_means | Average over several dimensions, average successive argumments |
fn_meanc | Return mean and confidence interval |
fn_meanangle | Average of angles (result in [-pi pi]) |
nmean, nmedian, nstd, nste, nrms, nsum | Treat NaNs as missing values for mean/median/std/ste/rms/sum computations |
fn_triggeravg | Local average of data around specific indices in a given dimension |
fn_arrangepergroup, fn_avgpergroup | Reorganize an array according to labels describing a specific dimension, or average accross different repetitions of the same label |
fn_sym | Convert a symmetric matrix to a vector and vice-versa |
fn_timevector | Convert set of times to vector of counts and vice-versa |
fn_strcut | Cut string into pieces according to specified separator |
fn_strrep | Replace several text sequences in string |
fn_num2str | Convert numeric to char, unless input is already char!, can return a cell array |
fn_idx2str | Convert indices to a compact string representation, e.g. '1:2 5:8' for [1 2 5 6 7 8] |
fn_str2double | Convert to numeric if not already numeric |
fn_strcat | Concatenate strings and numbers into a single string, with optional separator sequence |
fn_float | Convert integer to single, keep single or double as such |
handy shortcuts
fn_switch, fn_cast | Shortcut for avoiding using if/else and switch |
fn_disp, fn_display | Display multiple arguments at once, display a variable name and value in a single line |
fn_dispandexec | Display commands in Matlab and executes them |
fn_subsref | Shortcut for calling Matlab subsref function |
fn_ismemberstr | Check whether string is part of a set of strings (faster than Matlab ismember) |
fn_flags | Detect flags in the arguments of a function |
dealc | Assign elements of an array to multiple outputs |
fn_mod | Return modulus between 1 and n instead of between 0 and n-1 |
fn_regexptokens | Get the tokens of a regexp as a simple cell array |
fn_progress, pg | Print the state of a calculation |
fn_hash | Unique hash number for an array/cell/structure (Copyright M Kleder) |
fn_dbstack | Display current function name, with indent according to stack length |
fn_basevars | Load base workspace variables in caller workspace and vice-versa |
fn_cd | User definition of shortcut to fast access directories |
fn_fileparts, fn_fileext | Get specific file parts, replace file extension |
fn_ls | Return folder content |
fn_mkdir | Create a directory if it does not exist |
fn_movefile | Rename files in current directory using regular expression |
user selection
fn_getfile | Select file and remember the containing folder of the last selected file |
fn_savefile | User select file for saving and remember last containing folder |
fn_getdir | Select directory and remember last containing folder |
locate | Reveal file in Explorer (Windows only) |
read/save file
read file
fn_readbin | Read binary file containing some header followed by numerical data |
save figure
Matlab workspaces
fn_exportvar | Export data to a Matlab variable in base workspace |
fn_fit | Fit the parameters of a given function |
dichotomy | Uses dichotomy method for one-dimensional optimization |
statistics + display
machine learning
basic operations
regions of interest
fn_maskselect | Manual selection of a mask inside an image |
fn_subrect | Manual selection of a rectangular mask inside an image |
fn_poly2mask | Get the mask of a polygon interior |
fn_imvect | Convert an image to a vector of pixels inside a mask, and vice-versa |
fn_roiavg | Compute average signal from a region of interest |
GUI programs
fn_figure | Raise figures by name rather than by number (shortcut: ff) |
fn_isfigurehandle | Is handle a plausible figure handle |
fn_subplot | Subplots cover the figure without leaving any space |
time courses displays
time courses tools
fn_axis | Set axis range for a better visual aspect than 'axis tight' |
fn_nicegraph | Improve aspect of graph display |
fn_plotscale | Add horizontal and vertical scale bars to graph |
fn_linespecs | Handle abbreviated plot options (e.g. 'r.') |
special 2D displays
2D tools
fn_imdistline | Show the distance between two points (enhanced version of Matlab imdistline) |
fn_scale | Scale bar for image display |
color tools
fn_colorset, fn_colorbyname | Different sets of colors, conversion between color numerical value and name |
fn_showcolormap | Display a color map in a given axes or in a separate figure |
hsl2rgb | Convert from Hue/Saturation/Luminance coordinates to RGB |
movie displays
mesh computations and displays
display ND data
interactive displays
fn_imvalue | Automatic link graphs and images for point selection and zooming |
fn_review | Navigate with arrow keys inside a set of data |
fn_4Dview | Navigation inside 3D, 4D or 5D imaging data |
fn_evalcallback | Evaluate a callback, i.e. a char array, function handle or cell array |
fn_get, fn_set | Get and set mutiple properties of multiple objects at once |
fn_watch | Change the pointer to a watch during long computations |
panelorganizer | Divide a figure into resizeable panels |
object positions
mouse actions
pre-defined arrangements of controls
fn_okbutton | Small 'ok' button waits to be pressed |
fn_menu | Utility to create a basic GUI made of a line of buttons |
special controls
fn_multcheck | Special control made of multiple check boxes |
fn_buttongroup | Set of radio buttons or toggle buttons |
fn_slider | Special control that improves the functionality of Matlab slider |
fn_sliderenhance | Allow a slider uicontrol to evaluate its callback during scrolling |
fn_stepper | Edit a numeric value, includes increment/decrement buttons |
fn_sensor | Special control whose value is changed by clicking and dragging |
fn_clipcontrol | A wrapper of fn_sensor that controls the clipping range applied to an image |
fn_filecontrol | Select a file |
elaborate controls
GUI oriented-object programming
interface | Parent class to create cool graphic interfaces |
fn_propcontrol | Create controls automatically linked to an object property |
deleteValid | Delete valid objects among the list of objects obj (particularly useful for Matlab graphic handles) |
disableListener | Momentarily disable a listener (returns an onCleanup oject that reenable it when being garbage collected) |
alias | Create command shortcuts |
fn_lmstat | Get information about how many Matlab floating licenses are used on the network |
fn_hostname | Return an identifiant specific to the computer in use |
fn_email | Send e-mails from Matlab! Automatically attach figures, M-files and more |
memory and pointers
whoisbig | Get information about large variables |
fn_getPr | Get the address of the data stored in a variable: usefull to understand when two variables share the same data in memory |
fn_pointer | A structure that can be modified when being passed to functions |
pointer | Implement a pointer to any Matlab object |
fn_figmenu | An automatic custom menu for figures: save figure, distance tool, ... |
figure edition
fn_extractsvgdata | Extract data from SVG file! (PDFs can be converted to SVG with InkScape free software) |
fn_getcolorindices | Extract from image displays by checking the color bar |
fn_color2bw | GUI to let user choose the best conversion to convert color image to grayscale |
fn_editsignal | Manually edit your signals data points! |